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What I care about

People are attracted to the Gulf Islands because of its beauty and tranquility.  Many of us prefer a quiet and undisturbed environment away from the hustle and bustle of the big cities.  We expect an environment of cooperation and goodwill, yet there are times and topics that have riled up a sense of dissatisfaction and islanders feeling that they have been excluded.  Communication and Trust management and implementation of its mandates can be done in a way where everyone is included and considered.  Issues that concern everyone who visit and live here should be discussed and addressed in a collaborative way where the best solutions are the result of tapping into everyone’s input and ideas.  Currently there seems to be a sense of needing to be adversarial in order to be considered.  I will work towards a more creative and dynamic atmosphere in discussions and the decision-making process.

The sensitive environment of the Gulf Islands needs special attention to prevent the natural balance from collapsing.  Green living cover (trees, shrubs, grass etc.) needs to be maintained as much as possible.  Groundwater resources must not be overtaxed, and water storage should be addressed in a larger context to ease pressure on the aquafers and be available for wild-fire protection.  Wildlife and microbiology above and below water and land must be protected so they can continue to do their part in the balanced eco-system.

A balance between recreational and permanent housing must be found.  Currently housing for working populations that are essential for maintaining basic products and services on the islands are in a crisis shortage.  A well balanced overall plan must be developed and implemented to address this.  Many current by-laws are ill fitting to  encourage development of affordable housing.

Weather we live on, or just visit the Gulf Islands we all enjoy the recreational aspects and natural beauty of the mixed environment of land and ocean.  This must be protected for sensible use for all time, and infrastructure for maintaining safe and harmless use is essential.  An example of a shortcoming is the lack of safe roads, walking and bicycle paths. This needs to be addressed so people can safely move around the island.  I'm often reminded that roads are not under the authority of the Islands Trust.  I'm fully aware of this, but one of the mandates of the Trust is to advocate for the needs of the Islands to the authorities that have juristriction.  We need to play a much more active role in this manner.

Waste and Recycling
In order to protect the natural environment; responsible handling of waste and recycling is essential.  The Pender’s already have a world class recycling depot and continued attention to it’s maintenance and further development is essential.  I feel there is opportunity to make this a more understood issue for all, and in particular for visitors and people thinking of moving here or buying a holiday home.  This is a light of our Islands that we should not be leaving under a bushel.  Again, I am aware that this is not under the juristriction of the Islands Trust for South Pender, but promoting it and letting visitors and our own residents know that the South Pender Trust endorses responsible waste management and recycling, and have expectations of support for the current Pender Island Recycling Depot.

​Authorized by Dag Falck

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